

  • 19 July 2016
  • Number of views: 2596

We would like to inform you that after a one year break in 2015 due to logistic matters, we are now fully ready for implementation of the IDP WWW STREAMING 2016 project, which will be coordinated through Primary School Podgorje, Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenia, one of our primary schools with experience in suchlike projects and also school with great dedication for the IAPMC activities.

Even though the overall coordination of the project and pertaining activities will be handled by the Secretariat of the IAPMC, the main logistic, planning, information, scheduling and technical advice will be carried out by the Primary School Podgorje helpful staff.

In this regard we would like to inform you that we have prepared the online application form,  for your schools to apply. As many of you already know, IDP WWW STREAMING is International Association of Peace Messenger Cities' (IAPMC's) project, which started in 2012. Schools all over the world pair up with the 30 minutes program to commemorate the International Day of Peace. While their program is streamed online to be simultaneously watched by children from partnering schools, it also published online through IAPMC's Youtube Channel. It is a great way of celebrating the Day of Peace and promoting culture of peace worldwide, among the youngest.

We would like to ask all those cities who took part in previous streaming sessions to continue this year and to attract new partner schools into this important project. We would be grateful, if you could forward this information to one or more primary schools in your cities, so they could start preparing the program for September 21 and to look for potential partners. Should a school is unable to find the appropriate streaming partner, our coordinators will look for availability of partners in the similar time zone. The IDP Streaming will be performed between partner schools on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 and annually on working days around September 21 (not on weekends).

All questions can be addressed to the following email:

Applications can be done online at:

Videos from previous and future streaming sessions can be observed at

We are looking forward to your participation and thank you for forwarding this information to your Primary School(s).