16th General Assembly (Slovenj Gradec 2005)

  • 9 June 2017
  • Number of views: 2497
16th General Assembly (Slovenj Gradec 2005)

September 1st – 4th 2005:


The 16TH General Assembly gave fresh impetus to the IAPMC movement. There were representatives from 19 member and 2 observing cities present, giving the total participants of 52. 17 cities sent their apologies and mayors regretted that they were not able to participate due to the previous commitments in this period. At the opening ceremony speeches were given by Hon. Matjaz Zanoskar, Mayor of Slovenj Gradec, H.E. Ivo Vajgl, advisor to the President of Slovenia, H.E. Stanislav Rashchan, M.Sc., general director of Foreign Ministry of Slovenia, Hon. Alfred L. Marder, President of IAPMC, Ms. Marie Paul-Roudil, Head of Section for Culture of the UNESCO Venice Office, Ms. Renata Salecl, Ph.D., philosopher and sociologist. 
The cities, members of the Executive Board, met a day earlier (on September 1) and adopted the proposed agenda. During the plenary session (September 2 and September 3) the cities gave their reports, adopted the "Slovenj Gradec Peace Declaration" and two other declarations - one was the appeal to the UNO to formalize the status of cities as a level between non-government and government organizations and second, in which IAPMC unanimously adopts the resolution 58/71 of the UNO on disarmament. 

Cities accepted two new members, Sarajevo and Milan. Organizing city Slovenj Gradec presented, on behalf of the IAPMC, the charters of membership to all the member cities that haven't received the charters originally, from UNO due to the fact that they were accepted later. The organizer also presented acknowledgements to the honorable members: President, Mr. Alfred Marder, Vice-President, Mr. André Hediger and Secretary-General, Mr. Brian Fitch. 

The Assembly agreed to organize the Executive Board meeting in Volgograd, Russian Federation, in May 2006 and the General Assembly to be held in Vancouver, Canada in June 2006, during the World Peace Forum 2006.